Dear Antiracists,

For those who are new to The X Shop, this statement includes some background for your reference…

In 2017, Superstar X was founded by Nicole M. Weatherly as a collective for social change, inspired by her brother Edward K. Weatherly’s life and artwork. Superstar X’s purpose is to celebrate being humxn and destigmatize being different, ultimately to activate connection and eradicate oppression for the superstar in all of us. To help fulfil Superstar X’s purpose, The X Shop was launched in May 2019, cultivating a vibrant community of creativity, connection, and abundance.

Despite their experiences with diverse social challenges, such as anxiety, panic attacks, depression, suicide ideation, schizophrenia, substance use disorder, a lack of housing, identity, and HIV, Nicole and Edward benefit from unearned white privilege simply because of the colour of their skin.

Humxns are not born racist, BUT they are born into racism. Society's racist systems and policies perpetuate racism and its devastating effects, from the covert to the overt. Racism is a plague to control and divide humxns, disconnecting them from their humxnity as a means to profit and power, rather than focusing on healthy connections with people, planet, and purpose.

Racism is a disease that desperately requires an immediate cure. Because of racism, Indigenous Peoples, Black People, and People of Colour are under-recognized and do not inherently and automatically receive the same basic humxn rights that white people experience. Racism kills and often threatens the lives of Indigenous Peoples, Black People, and People of Colour. This is a centuries-old reality. This is inhumxn and must be eradicated.

The racist murder of George Floyd revealed to the world more of racism’s chronic atrocities, among the countless other lives that were stolen before and after this happened: Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Philando Castile, Breonna Taylor, Regis Korchinski-Paquet, Colton Boushie, Jacob Samson & Morris Cardinal, Chantel Moore, and Rodney Levi, among many others, including the chronic and staggering rates of violence against Indigenous Women, Girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA+ Peoples within the context of cultural genocide and colonialization to form and perpetuate what is often called Canada.

In response to all of this and in support of humxn rights, Superstar X expanded its channels for change. As part of this expansion, in September 2020, Superstar X Magazine was launched to help amplify diverse voices, including a greater understanding and celebration of Indigenous Peoples, Black People, and People of Colour.

Also, in September 2022, Superstar X launched LOVE 2022: An (un)Learning Summit for Truth & (re)Conciliation; it’s one of a series of X Summits to continue Superstar X's mission of promoting Truth and (re)Conciliation by bringing together Indigenous Peoples and their allies through Art Shows, Truth Talks, and Action Plans.

The X Team is dedicated to fuelling hope with antiracist actions and words to help solve the wicked problem of racism, replacing it with the world we want to experience more. In addition to the above, the list below includes other ways Superstar X is dedicated to antiracism:

  • The X Team is an authentically integrated team of Indigenous Peoples, Black People, People of Colour, and white people.
  • Superstar X continues to expand its collective to include X Artists who are Indigenous Peoples, Black People, and People of Colour.
  • The X Shop's fashion models include Indigenous Peoples, Black People, and People of Colour.
  • Superstar X Magazine’s content is primarily by Indigenous Peoples, Black People, and People of Colour.
  • The X Team regularly and empathetically reads, watches, listens, and (un)learns diverse content by Indigenous Peoples, Black People, and People of Colour, particularly focused on antiracism (e.g., “How to Be An Antiracist” by Ibram X. Kendi), and to celebrate the multi-talents and diverse cultures within Indigenous Peoples, Black People, and People of Colour communities.
  • The X Team leverages its white privilege to help activate connection and eradicate racism, in collaboration with team members who are Indigenous Peoples, Black People, and/or People of Colour.
  • The X Shop’s profit-sharing model includes 60% for the X Artist; 10% for initiatives, programs, organizations, and/or individuals for multidimensional wellness that primarily benefits Indigenous Peoples, Black People, and People of Colour; and 30% for Superstar X to continue its work.

As the X Team continues their antiracist journey, they invite any questions or feedback to be shared at Feedback, especially actions that are co-creative to amplify the voices and talents of Indigenous Peoples, Black People, and People of Colour, is welcomed. The team also appreciates being informed about any actions and/or corrections to be made on this website, and related work, in support of antiracism to eradicate racism.

On behalf of Superstar X, miigwetch / thank you for supporting The X Shop and for all that you do to help move things forward, for the superstar in all of us.

With much gratitude,
The X Team